12/19/24 We are proud to support AIA California on its drive to provide leadership in sustainable design.

11/14/24 Ilse Villacorte – Prospect Silicon Valley, Sean Armstrong – Redwood Energy and David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting presented on “Overcoming Capacity Constraints in Multifamily Building Retrofits” at the Greenbuild Conference. Jamy Bacchus a LEED Fellow from ME Engineers described it as “…the most entertaining session at Greenbuild 2024…” A recording of the presentation is available from the attached link: https://streamly.video/video/overcoming-capacity-constraints-in-multi-family-building-retrofits (less Sean’s entertaining facial expressions).

11/12/24 Pauline Souza – WRNS Studio and David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting presented on “Building Resiliency Into Communities: Leveraging Local Buildings as Community Resources” to an audience of around 200 participants at the Resilient Places Summit at the 2024 Greenbuild Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A recording of the presentation is available from the attached link: https://streamly.video/video/building-resiliency-into-communities-leveraging-local-buildings-as-community-resources

11/1/24 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting presented on “Electrical Systems in Today’s Green Buildings” to the University of Colorado – Denver’s Masters in Architecture Program.

10/11/24 Prospect Silicon Valley kicked off the Power Electronics for Zero-Emission Residential Resilience (PEZERR) Project. This exciting project is a cutting edge, CEC grant funded program to installing individual battery backed, smart electrical panels into existing low income housing units on two sites. The improvements are intended to provide grid support as well as individual microgrid and resilience capabilities and can even support direct connection of photovoltaics to recharge the battery. IDeAs will be leading electrical design and supporting refining the concepts for this project.

9/28/24 IDeAs Consulting Principal – David Kaneda; Doug Davenport – CEO of Prospect SV and Principal Architect Eric Driever – California, Division of the State Architect were the keynote panel for an all day seminar on Zero Net Carbon Design for the AIA San Mateo County.

7/17/24 IDeAs Consulting, Alter Engineering and Prospect Silicon Valley co-presented on how to discuss decarbonization with your clients, how to collaborate with your engineering teams and effective integration of energy systems into buildings to members of the AIA Silicon Valley.

5/23/24 California State Architect – Ida Clair FAIA, WRNS Partner and Head of Sustainability – Pauline Souza FAIA, Prospect Silicon Valley CEO – Doug Davenport, and IDeAs Consulting – David Kaneda PE, FAIA discuss ideas for upgrading public schools to provide resilient facilities for communities in the event of a disaster.

5/22/24 IDeAs Consulting presented “Off Grid” as a proxy for “All-electric with renewables” a discussion of some of the seasonal challenges and potential solutions what we need to start thinking about if the US wants to move to a zero carbon future powered by renewable energy 24/7/365 at the 2024 Getting to Zero Forum in Charlotte, North Carolina.

4/21/24 Congratulations to: “Team Solar Ark” Southeast University—Nanjing, China & Tibet University—Lhasa, China, the winner of Education Building Division for their original design. This remarkable net zero energy design included thoughtful use of radiant heating, thermal mass, passive solar design principles, black water treatment and perhaps most interesting using hay bales stacked against the exterior walls in winter to increase insulation levels from R21 to R42, and then using it for food for livestock when the weather warms later in the spring! IDeAs Principal David Kaneda served as a juror for the competition.

4/17/24 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting and Doug Davenport – Prospect Silicon Valley take part in panel discussions on emerging issues and technologies for Building Electrification and Decarbonization at the Doon Insights – Prop Tech Workshop in Bonny Doon, California.

4/9/24 IDeAs Consulting presented “To Net Zero and Beyond: Electrification Strategies for Getting to Zero Operational Carbon” to Architectural Engineering students at the 2024 AEI Forum in San Jose, California.

12/1/23 IDeAs is excited to announce that David Kaneda is a recipient of a 2023 Clean Energy Hall of Fame Award for his work combating climate change and contributing to California’s clean energy future through bold moves, leadership, and innovative ideas, while helping benefit communities in California through more equitable outcomes.

11/29/23 IDeAs Consulting presented as part of a keynote panel at the Smart Cities Connect Conference in Washington DC, sharing insights on how technology is transforming urban living, electrification and decarbonization to help the drive towards creating smarter cities.

11/26/23 See the article published in Work Design Magazine co-authored by IDeAs Consulting, WRNS Studio and Prospect Silicon Valley discussing decarbonizing offices. https://www.workdesign.com/2023/11/future-of-cre-zero-carbon-workplaces/

11/16/23 Tina Leong – IDeAs Consulting gave a seminar to Cody Anderson Wasney Architects clarifying the confusing 2022 changes to California Title 24 for non-residential buildings related to requirements for photovoltaic, battery energy storage and EV charging requirements. Contact us for information on what architects need to know.

10/17/23 See the article on discussing opportunities in decarbonizing buildings and how to approach financing the systems that support it written by Doug Davenport, Alex Kaffka and David Kaneda. https://facilitiesmanagementadvisor.blr.com/sustainability-business-continuity/decarbonizing-buildings-the-big-rethink/

10/9/23 Congratulations to: Rancho Cielo Youth Campus of Salinas, CA, the overall winner at the first Orange County Sustainability Decathlon https://ocsd23.com/. This remarkable institution, dedicated to serving underserved youth, is the smallest school competing and had the least resources, but the students, trustees, administrators, and teachers were determined to build the best house they could. “Their win also demonstrates the need for vocational training,” said Fred Smoller, OCSD president and CEO. David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting was a juror for engineering and construction.

9/19/23 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting presented Latest Trends in Electrification at Redwood Energy’s 15th Annual Zero Carbon Retreat, by the beach at Arcata, CA sharing ideas and innovations with an elite group of leading innovators and thinkers.

8/31/23 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting served on the technical review jury for the 2023 AIA California Design Awards and Residential Design Awards. California continues to lead the nation in redirecting architect’s focus from primarily beauty to a broader set of issues including integrating energy, ecosystems, resource efficiency, water, well being, social equity, economy and change.

5/18/23 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting gave a presentation on some of the latest trends in electrification to members of New Buildings Institute’s staff and NBI Senior Fellows including a new concept flying EV!

5/18/23 IDeAs Consulting, Gabel Energy and Smith Millar Associates gave an overview of key issues related to electrification, impact the grid, electrifying existing buildings, and renewable/batteries/microgrids to nearly 100 members of Perkins Eastman Architects.

4/4/23 IDeAs Consulting is excited to working on an off-grid home with Stoecker + Northway Architects, intended to be run entirely off of on-site generated renewable energy incorporating a state-of-the-art microgrid powered by photovoltaics, a hydrogen fuel cell, a rotary storage system and a wind turbine.

11/1/2022 David Kaneda and Stephen Chapes – IDeAs Consulting and colleagues Galen Wu – Point Energy Innovations and Alex Kaffka – Verdera teamed up to give an expert level presentation at 2022 Greenbuild titled: “Microgrids the Solution to Many Different Problems”, discussing several unique applications for Microgrids and the financial math being used to analyze their expected performance.

9/1/2022 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting, recently completed his term serving on the GSA’s Green Building Advisory Committee, including the last 2 years as the Chair of this important committee. It has been an honor for our small firm to have an opportunity to provide guidance to the GBAC and see various Federal agencies and organizations incorporating the advice of the Committee’s experts into policies that will have major impact in accelerating our country’s journey to a greener, cleaner and healthier future.

8/23/22 IDeAs Consulting and Point Energy Innovations co-authored a new research paper titled: “Battery Energy Storage Systems and PV/battery Microgrid Applications for Buildings” which was presented at the 2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings at Asilomar, CA. This is a conference with presentations by leading building energy efficiency related researchers including staff from DOE, NREL, LBNL and PNNL. It needs more architects and engineers to attend. https://aceee2022.conferencespot.org/event-data

6/30/22 See the video that David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting made demonstrating his induction wok burner. Cooking on a wok is a concern frequently brought up when discussing all electric cooking. It’s safer, just as easy, and MUCH EASIER TO CLEAN UP AFTERWARDS (watch the 5:00 mark in this video)! https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6894105939570495488?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_share&utm_content=post

6/29/22 IDeAs Consulting is excited to be starting work on a project for Portland General Electric https://portlandgeneral.com/about/who-we-are/sustainability designing a facility that is meant to be an example of a highly resilient campus in the event of any of a wide variety of potential natural disasters that might occur in the region, with Sera Architects and Ecotope, two leaders in deep green, sustainable design.

6/24/22 Congratulations to Sam Nunes FAIA, Founding Partner at WRNS Studio for being inducted into the AIA College of Fellows. Our IDeAs engineers have collaborated with Sam and WRNS Studio on numerous deep green projects over decades. Sam is the 4th partner at WRNS to be elevated by the AIA into the College of Fellows!

3/31/22 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting, will present the GSA Green Building Advisory Committee’s work on Building Energy Storage at the 2022 Federal Environmental Symposium.

12/8/21 Congratulations to Julie Hiromoto FAIA – HKS, Pauline Souza FAIA – WRNS Studio, and Brad Jacobson FAIA – EHDD for being inducted into the AIA College of Fellows. Pauline, Julie and Brad are all nationally recognized sustainability leaders and IDeAs engineers have collaborated with EHDD and WRNS Studio on numerous deep green projects over decades.

10/25/21 See David Kaneda and Stephen Chapes – IDeAs Consulting present on their experience developing innovative microgrid concepts on Friday October 29 at the Getting To Zero Forum 2021. You can join the Forum virtually.

10/20/21 IDeAs Consulting is excited to be starting design of a Multipurpose Building for San Mateo Foster City School District with Lionakis.

9/23/21 David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting presenting and with grid-carbon experts Peter Turnbull – Turnbull & Associates, Paul Torcellini – National Renewable Energy Labs and Henry Richardson – WattTime on “The Future of the Grid and Its Impact on Buildings” at Greenbuild 2021 in San Diego.

8/23/21 Join us as David Kaneda and Stephen Chapes – IDeAs Consulting, and Galen Wu – PEI present on Microgrids on September 13 at Net Zero 2021! www.NetZeroConference.com

5/26/21 Can residential all electric kitchens perform better than gas? David Kaneda – IDeAs Consulting and Charley Stott – AIASF COTE join Rachelle Boucher and Alex Snow as they give a live cooking demonstration demonstrating an induction cooktop instead of gas burners! Better cooking performance, safer and healthier homes, and a more sustainable planet!

05/08/21 IDeAs Consulting is excited to be designing the electrical systems for Mitchell Park, an affordable housing project for the intellectually or developmentally disabled in Palo Alto, CA with Architects FORA and Alter Consulting Engineers for Eden Housing.

4/16/21 IDeAs Consulting is excited to be starting work on three residential towers in San Jose for SHPE/NABR with Point Energy Innovations and Bjarke Ingels Group.

1/25/21 Congratulations to IDeAs Consulting’s David Kaneda for becoming an Senior Fellow with the New Buildings Institute. https://twitter.com/NewBldgsInst/status/1353827713904074752

1/20/21 IDeAs Consulting is excited to be collaborating with Point Energy Innovations and EHDD on the renovation of the AIA Headquarters in Washington D.C. which includes an exciting BIPV solar shading system.